Ceal Floyer’s Special

A light bulb, a bag of air, a bucket, colored markers—these are some of the commonplace items that Ceal Floyer makes us rethink as we contemplate her understated, multimedia installations. Curiously expansive and lingering in their effect, these conceptual, perceptual time-release capsules are far more ponderous to describe verbally than to “get” visually; they inspire

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Collecting Specimens: A Conversation with Lynn Aldrich

Lynn Aldrich’s newest art-material treasure trove is Home Depot. There, she follows in the footsteps of the seminal bricoleur artist, Marcel Duchamp, scouting for manufactured objects that she subsequently hand-fabricates into sculptures. Transforming the known into something curious, intriguing, and unexpected, her newest sculptures convert drainage spouts into tree monsters reminiscent of German fairy tales

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Doubt and Other Serious Matters: A Conversation with Daphne Wright

Daphne Wright’s work maneuvers things into what her biographical statement calls “well-wrought but delicate doubt.” Shifting between “taughtness and mess,” it sets “imagery, materials, and language in constant metaphorical motion.” Using a wide range of materials and techniques—plaster, tin foil, video, printmaking, found objects, and performance—she creates beautiful and rather eerie worlds that feel like

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