Arne Quinze, My Home My House My Stilthouse 100910, 2010. Wood, paint, nails, and print plates, dimensions variable.

Arne Quinze


Galerie Thomas Modern

Arne Quinze’s works are immediately recognizable—composed of multiple bright orange boards that flow together at seemingly arbitrary angles to make huge, organic, cloud-like shapes, meant as metaphors for cooperation between people. He frequently designs his sculptures as bridge-like forms; for instance, in Brussels, he created an 80-meter-long installation connecting the Flemish Parliament to the House of Representatives, and in Shanghai, his Red Beacon is meant to inspire conversation. But the works in “My Home My House My Stilthouse” appear to be less interested in the fluidity that Quinze has explored for years, returning instead to the strong 90-degree angles found in his earlier constructed stilthouses and in the “Bidonvilleview” series. The exhibition included pieces in four categories: Chaos Boxes, Stilthouses, Views, and one large Stilthouse-like installation. The most polished forms are the Chaos Boxes—neatly packaged collections of brightly painted, intersecting sticks contained in large glass boxes.…see the entire review in the print version of October’s Sculpture magazine.