Wilfredo Prieto,Safe Box, 2014. vault and cardboard box, 52 x 73 x 75 cm

Ariel Schlesinger and Wilfredo Prieto

Tel Aviv

Center for Contemporary Art

“Hiding Wood in Trees” was developed collaboratively by Ariel Schlesinger and Wilfredo Prieto, though most of the works were authored individually. The whimsical title calls attention to a quality shared by their post-Minimalist approach—a belief that art is all around us, and inspiration, or sources of humor, can be found in the most humdrum of objects whose appearance and function we take for granted. This attitude was wittily illustrated by Ascension, an “artwork” created by both artists that consisted of used tea bags and splattered brown stains planted on the ceiling. …see the entire review in the print version of July/August’s Sculpture magazine.