Annica Cuppetelli and Cristobal Mendoza, Threaded Interface, 2012. Custom software, computer, video projectors, video cameras, elastic, and MDF, 19 x 8 ft.

Annica Cuppetelli and Cristobal Mendoza


Grizzly Grizzly

As part of the city-wide festival Fiber Philadelphia 2012, two Detroit-based artists collaborated on an installation synthesizing reactive video projection and physical structure. Annica Cuppetelli, a fiber artist concerned with issues of space, interaction, and materiality, worked with media artist and programmer Cristobal Mendoza, whose interests lie in the intersection of technology and the personal. Their piece, Threaded Interface, activated one wall of Grizzly Grizzly’s tiny gallery; like a well-placed mirror, it effectively doubled the size of this post-industrial, windowless studio. Thick, white elastic cords were strung vertically taut and parallel along one of the long side walls, about an inch apart and half an inch from the wall. Onto this warp-like structure, a glowing, digital video of wider, white strings was projected, each stripe of light centrally cut through with a slim, black shadow cast by the physical thread. …see the entire review in the print version of April’s Sculpture magazine.