A transposition from still photography to full video installation, the latest installment in Allison Hunter’s staging of human/animal associations has as much to tell us about relations between discrete images and installation work as it does about relations between humans and other animals. Zoosphere, at DiverseWorks in Houston, presented eight videos of various zoo animals and their distinct (at times slowed) movements. Hunter tellingly describes these works as “individual stories.” The videos, half of them accompanied by audio, range in size from the very small komodo dragon eye to the large wall projection of the Asian elephant and the very large straw-colored fruit bat. To say that the show presented eight videos, however, misses the point. As an ensemble piece, the installation situates or positions the viewer amid a visual, audio, and spatial tour of, among other things, interrelations among people, animals, art, regimes of viewing, and places of assembly. …see the entire article in the print version of March’s Sculpture magazine.