Dateline: Tuesday, March 17, 2009. At Cologne’s Museum Ludwig, a young man moves toward Portable War Memorial (1968), a large installation or, more precisely, an environment created by Edward Kienholz in obvious reference to the Vietnam War. The man makes sure that no one is looking, pulls a small, longish object from his pocket, smears the bottom with glue, and quick as lightning, attaches it to the wall, about a meter away from Kienholz’s work. After photographing the situation, he moseys on through the galleries as if nothing had happened. Later, on the same day, in the same way, he leaves two more objects on the museum walls—one between two works by Roy Lichtenstein, and the other near paintings by Lucio Fontana. The name of this unusual museum visitor is Alexej Potupin…see the entire article in the print version of June’s Sculpture magazine.