Nicholas Galanin, Inert, 2009 wolf pelts and felt, 72 x 48 x 30 in

“Your Feast Has Ended: Maikoiyo Alley-Barnes, Nicholas Galanin, and Nep Sidhu”


Frye Art Museum

“Your Feast Has Ended” brought together three young sculptors who share cross-disciplinary approaches to tribal identity, gender, and the social and political status of minorities. Co-curators Jo-Anne Birnie Danzker and Scott Lawrimore gave the artists generous latitude: each piece was accompanied by a lengthy, detailed explanation, often accusatory, hectoring, and contradictory. Yes, art can be paradoxical and irritatingly apposite to contemporary events, but usually the work speaks for itself, without such stentorian warnings. For viewers who chose to disregard the curatorial superstructure, all three artists acquitted themselves admirably. Nicholas Galanin makes assemblages of found objects and manipulated readymades that have been called “post-human.” Inert (2009) abruptly sutures a stuffed wolf’s head and torso to a skinned pelt throw rug, all laid on the floor…see the entire review in the print version of June’s Sculpture magazine.