Wee Hong Ling, installation view of “No Place Like Home,” 2011.

Wee Hong Ling


Sculpture Square

A cat hides behind the china cabinet, and a dog sleeps under the studio bench where the artist works. The presence of these two pets in Wee Hong Ling’s “No Place Like Home,” albeit in the form of two-dimensional vinyl cutouts, may seem like a playful gesture; but they are essential to the décor that frames and contextualizes the ceramic works of this Singapore-born and New York-based artist. Wee’s exhibition takes place within the framework of the home. Two-dimensional vinyl cutouts on the floor delineate rooms, amenities (such as bathtub and toilet), and some furniture (such as bed and sofa). Actual tables and shelves serve as display units for Wee’s ceramics. Within this context, the two pets are more than afterthoughts; instead, they form an integral part of the space, inviting visitors to suspend disbelief and imagine that they are in their own home or any home of their desire. Whether one prefers a cat to a dog or vice versa, one cannot deny the pet’s place in that house of the imagination. …see the entire review in the print version of March’s Sculpture magazine.