New York The groundbreaking exhibition…see the full review in October’s magazine.
October 2002
“Antioch: The Lost Ancient City”
Baltimore For three centuries before Pompey the…see the full review in October’s magazine.
Kenny Hunter
Washington, DC Like all good monuments and…see the full review in October’s magazine.
Shigeo Kawashima and John Ruppert
Saratoga, CA Montalvo launched its new…see the full review in October’s magazine.
Theresa Hak Kyung Cha
Irvine, CA Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s posthumous retrospective…see the full review in October’s magazine.
Mel Kendrick
Hanover, NH ln his recent exhibition, Mel…see the full review in November’s magazine.
The International Sculpture Center 2002 Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Awards
The lnternational Sculpture center is proud to present the winners of the 2002 outstanding Student Achievement in contemporary Sculpture Award’ This year’s award program attracted a record number of 213 nominees from 89 college and university sculpture programs in North America and abroad.
Sculpture, Education, and Community: College Art Galleries
These galleries can integrate art into the lives of students as well as the public…see the full review in October’s magazine.
Inscription and Testimony: Public Art and Shared Experiences
Public art can articulate what has been forgotten, obscured, or overlooked…see the full review in October’s magazine.
Ruth Asawa: Completing the Circle Fresno Art Museum September 11 – November 25, 2001 Oakland Museum of California June 15 – September 22, 2002
Installation view of woven wire sculpture from the 1950s in “Ruth Asawa: Completing the Circle,” on view at the Oakland Museum of CaliforniaMichael Temperio Ruth Asawa has said that her breakthrough woven wire sculptures of the early 1950s were influenced by childhood memories of laboring on a truck farm in California during the Great Depression