Paris lf you want to test the idea that the…see the full review in May’s magazine.
May 2003
Ann Hamilton’s lignum in context(s)
View of Ann Hamilton wrapping thread. In 1985, while a graduate student at the Yale School of Art and Architecture,Ann Hamilton created her first installation/performance, the space between memory. In this early work, Hamilton introduced speech as an element in the composition: a woman, suspended in a tilted and moving porch swing, spoke quietly in
The Intimate and the Communal: Costantino Nivola
Nivola wove together contradictory private and public trends in his mature sculpture…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Jim Toia: Metamorphosis
Toia’s works are marked by a desire to understand nature’s symbiotic relationships…see the full review in May‘s magazine.
“Spirits in the Trees”
Boston At Forest Hills’ group show “Spirits”…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Cornelia Kubler Kavanagh
New York Cornelia Kubler Kavanagh is a…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Daniel Rothbart
New York A tightly focused exhibition called…see the full review in May’s magazine.