Moscow Dmitry Gutov, a leading Russian artist and…see the full review in March’s magazine.
March 2009
Tracy Hicks
Dallas In “Global Warning: still/LIFE,’ Tracy Hicks brought…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Nancy Azara
New York Maxi’s Wall was displayed in a separate room…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Josh Garber: Intuitive Strategies
The relationship between artists and their work is always peculiar: it inhabits a territory formed of equal parts magic act, charades, and the ventriloquism of influence. Josh Garber’s sources and end points are firmly located within this three-part territory.
Xiao Min and Gao Shan
Shanghai At a time when many young Chinese artists are…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Claudia Gherstenfeld
Buenos Aires Claudia Gherstenfeld is a young Argentine artist who…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Cris Bruch: Beyond the Street
A rejection of politicized subject matter in favor of abstract, autonomous, and independent-object sculpture is the key to unlocking the art of Seattle-based sculptor Cris Bruch. In 1991, Bruch made a clean break with his performance-based installations and object-conglomerations addressing social issues.
Humor, Sex, and Philosophy: A Conversation with Rachel Feinstein
Rachel Feinstein’s quirky humor and aesthetic playfulness made her recent show at the Marianne Boesky Gallery in New York a great change of pace. Humor is often the most direct way to confront the artist’s favorite issues, which include sex and religion.