Since the 1980s, Tatsuo Miyajima, who lives and works in Ibaraki, Japan, has been making works that address time. Numbers made of LEDs count from one to nine or from nine to one; zero is not shown.
June 2013
Myths of Fantastical Life: A Conversation with Meeson Pae Yang
Meeson Pae Yang understands the power of repetition. While one tree seen in isolation can be an object of breathtaking beauty, a cluster offers a very different visual and emotional experience, built up of the variations that occur across species, the contracting and expanding spaces between forms, and the fragmentation of light and ensuing tonal
Paradise Lost: A Conversation with Anna Eyjólfsdóttir
In 2000, Anna Eyjólfsdóttir, president of the Reykjavik Sculptors’ Association, invited me to cover a couple of sculpture exhibitions celebrating Reykjavik as the European Capital of Culture. In the following years, this city of 120,000 witnessed a remarkable building boom.