Their works offer a cocktail of humor, horror, the sublime, and cultural critique…see the full review in July/August’s magazine.
July/August 2003
July/August 2003
Whitfield Lovell
Virginia Beach, VA With Sanctuary: The Great…see the full review in July/August’s magazine.
Jyrki Siukonen
New York, NY Finnish artist Jyrki Siukonen is…see the full review in July/August’s magazine.
Carlo Bernardini
Utica, NY During his two-month residency at…see the full review in July/August’s magazine.
Judy Hoffman
New York, NY Judy Hoffman deftly couples the…see the full review in July/August’s magazine.
Ivan Witenstein
New York, NY For young adult readers, the…see the full review in July/August’s magazine.
Jerry Bleem
Chicago, IL In The Beginning of Wisdom…see the full review in July/August’s magazine.
Leo Villareal
Washington, DC Response to Leo Villareal’s digital…see the full review in July/August’s magazine.