During the summer of 1987, while visiting Quebec City, I first met Armand Vaillancourt as he was working on Drapeau Blanc, a monumental sculpture composed of over 92 tons of calcite brought in from the Saguenay Lac-St.
January/February 2004
Raymond Saá
Sarasota Raymond Saá’s room-sized installation…see the full review in January/February’s magazine.
Materialized Expression: The Sculpture of Liam Gillick
The work of Liam Gillick needs to be entered through the totality of his practice. His artwork is intimately interwoven with his work as a critic, writer, curator, and designer. What he makes for the gallery space manifests, explicates, and proposes a complex of ideas that he is concerned with in all aspects of his
“Blickachsen IV”
Bad Homburg, Germany Slowly but surely it is becoming…see the full review in January/February’s magazine.
“One Hand Clapping”
New York One of the main points of…see the full review in January/February’s magazine.
“Up in Arms”
New York The phrase “weapons of mass destruction”…see the full review in January/February’s magazine.
Tomoko Takahashi
Los Angeles Tomoko Takahashi’s mammoth installation…see the full review in January/February’s magazine.