The “quintessential Minimalist” also participated in the fracturing of that order….see the full review in December’s magazine.
December 2002
Eva Redux or What Do We Owe Eva Hesse?
A retrospective presents Hesse’s idiosyncratic materials and emotionally nuanced forms….see the full review in December’s magazine.
Cosmological Shadows: A Conversation with Bill Vazan
Mirages (Delta de Métis), 2002. Granite, 5 boulders, 15 ft. high. Site-specific work at the juncture of the Mitis and St. Lawrence Rivers. Physically imprinted on the land surfaces of five continents over the past 30 years, Bill Vazan’s land art projects originated in the conceptual and Minimalist art tendencies of the 1960s.
Assaulting the Surface: A Conversation with Sarah Lovitt
Stairway, 2002. Wax suspended by filament, 32 x 10 X 8 in. each. Photo: Courtesy Mitchell-Innes & Nash, New York. Georges Bataille described eroticism as “life ascending to the point of death.” Sarah Lovitt traces that ascent, crafting embodiments of physical distress redeemed through spiritual hope.