Aiden Salakhova

LONDON Saatchi Gallery Aidan Salakhova, known as Aidan, is a forthright, confident artist. Since 1989, when the USSR was suddenly and quite bloodlessly dismantled, she has established a large and dedicated following as one of the key protagonists in Moscow’s contemporary art scene. She was born into the city’s cultural elite: her father, Tahir Salahov, was and is a major artist living in Moscow. Her parents originate from oil-rich Azerbaijan, where East and West meet, and where the overwhelming majority of the population is Muslim. Aidan’s work expresses a growing awareness of herself as a desiring woman shaking off suppression.

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Jane Manus

MORRISTOWN, NJ Simon Gallery Over the last four decades, Jane Manus has followed a Minimalist tradition in her geometric-inspired sculpture. Like previous sculptors exploring new avenues of three-dimensional, non-narrative form, Manus is determined to stretch the boundaries of contemporary sculpture; she meticulously pieces together hollowed-out, square, elongated tubing, albeit sparingly, to form connective symmetrical linear lines that are seamlessly welded together. Following David Smith, Anthony Caro, Mark di Suvero, and Donald Judd, Manus celebrates the creative challenge of reducing shape and form, introducing a pronounced simplification of lengthened shapes that generate a recognizable visual harmony.

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Julia Bland

NEW YORK On Stellar Rays Keep an eye on Julia Bland. Her exhibition, “If You Want to Be Free,” featured six large “tapestries” that are (more accurately stated) multimedia, textile-based constructions. Each one unfolds an intricate weave of complex dualities: simple geometric elements evolve into variegated com­­positions of seemingly mismatched swaths of material; a reverence for the traditions of drawing, painting, weaving, sewing, and sculpture gently shifts to allow irreverent trespasses across formal borders.

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Susan Knight and Suzan Shutan

GARRISON, NEW YORK Garrison Art Center Suzan Shutan and Susan Knight met 20 years ago when Shutan was a fellow at the Bemis Foundation in Omaha, Nebraska. They admired each other’s work and discovered a mutual interest in patterns of weather, land, and scientific behavior related to the natural world. In 2011, they decided to join forces and develop an exhibition with the goal of providing viewers with artworks that inform, educate, and inspire interdisciplinary communication, community participation, and scientific and artistic literacy.

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Nancy Cohen

JERSEY CITY, NJ visual ARts Gallery, New Jersey City University Hackensack Dreaming, Nancy Cohen’s powerful, affecting installation, attempted to salvage a bit of nature from the depredations of manmade interventions at Mill Creek Marsh near the Hackensack River. Cohen characterizes the site as among the ugliest in the state, a concrete jungle that leads nowhere. At the same time, life persists—specifically in the stumps of a former cedar forest, which provide an unlikely home for plants and birds. The confluence of these two environments—one manmade and dominant and the other natural and determined to survive—is key to Cohen’s work.

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Peter Bahouth

ATLANTA Hagedorn Foundation Gallery Bathed in red light and filled with space-themed music, Peter Bahouth’s installation Birth of a Red Planet offered an otherworldly environment that blended past and present, boyish wonder and adult concern for planetary ills. Dioramas, stereoscopic images, viewing stands, archival prints, and relics from Bahouth’s childhood toy collection told the story of a young boy who builds a spaceship and flees earth in search of a better life. Bahouth, a stereoscopic photographer, worked as a prominent environmental activist before turning his attention to creating three-dimensional illusions of space.

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Wayne White

FORT MYERS, FLORIDA Bob Rauschenberg Gallery, Florida Southwestern State College Wayne White’s recent exhibition opened with a puppet performance by the artist that paid homage to the gallery’s namesake. Best known for his Emmy Award-winning sets and puppets for “Pee-Wee’s Play­house,” White has had a foot in the art world since the beginning of his career. Here, he brought the playful gestures of a comedian and prankster into the gallery, transforming it into an immersive space. Viewers were greeted by a logo painted on the wall outside the space—the Florida Southwestern college mascot morphed into White’s image.

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Mary Shaffer

WASHINGTON, DC Katzen Arts Center, American University Recognized as a pioneer in the Amer­ican Studio Glass Movement during the 1970s and honored as a Visionary by the Museum of Arts and Design, like many women of her generation, Mary Shaffer has followed a curvilinear career and life path. Born in South Carolina, she grew up in Central America and Europe, studied at the Rhode Island School of Design, and moved many times with her family before establishing her current base camps in Taos, New Mexico, and Marfa, Texas.

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