On the Cover:
Minerva Cuevas. Photo: Gonzalo Morales, courtesy the artist and Kurimanzutto, Mexico City, New York.
Editor’s Letter:
In her interview, the Mexican artist Minerva Cuevas, who graces this month’s cover, discusses, among many other things, her Better Life Corporation, a performance in which she carries out “small acts of subversion,” as her interviewer, Elizabeth Fullerton, puts it. These acts include giving away subway tickets and switching the bar codes on supermarket items to make them cheaper. Also included here are stellar features on Sterling Ruby, who has reconceived ceramics in contemporary art, and Cathy Wilkes, who aims to subvert our complacency about poverty and inequality, as well as Dan Colen and Matthew Ronay, each of whom can be said to challenge the existing order of things.
It’s a congruous theme for this issue, for as I’m sure you’ve noticed, we too have upended our existing order, in this case the look and size of our magazine. As we move forward, like a farmer tilling a field, we will continue to overturn things in order to cultivate the best writing and the most insightful thinking about sculpture available today. To do so, we’ll need your help and feedback—and so, we hope you’ll join our modest revolution. —Daniel Kunitz