“By the People”

WASHINGTON, DC Various locations In a city chockablock with monuments, “By the People” alternatively mounts ephemeral public art. Organized by the nonprofit organization Halcyon, which also sponsors residencies for social practice artists and social entrepreneurs, the 2019 “By the People” festival (its second installment) aimed to present “artwork that sparks dialogue and builds bridges within and across communities.”

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Francesca DiMattio

LONDON Pippy Houldsworth DiMattio, who is based in New York, started out as a painter of monumental, boundary-pushing canvases that played with optical illusion and references to the history of art, design, and architecture. She translated this fluidity of approach to clay when she took up the medium in 2010.

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Whitney Ramage

RUTLAND, VERMONT 77 Gallery Using a simplicity of means, Whitney Ramage achieved a magnitude of results in her recent exhibition “DisEmbodiment.” In her masterful installation A Prayer for Every Day You’ve Been Gone, more than 1,800 white origami paper boats seemed to float across the polished wood floor of the gallery.

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Katie Paterson

EDINBURGH Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Modern One Scottish artist Katie Paterson has described time as the “material” with which she creates her work. In this modest but significant survey—her first major exhibition in a public institution in Scotland—her playful, rigorously researched works tick with the passing of millennia as stars die, solar eclipses pass, and planets spin.

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