Monica Coyne

EUREKA, CALIFORNIA Morris Graves Museum of Art Artist and blacksmith Monica Coyne works in steel, and her sculptures are riddled with reminders of the forge. In a built environment predicated on the ready availability of prefabricated steel components, that’s enough to make them strange.

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Duane Paxson

TROY, ALABAMA International Arts Center, Janice Hawkins Cultural Arts Park, Troy University At a time when sculptural craftsmanship is often subordinated to idea—and idea is at best inconsequential—it was refreshing to see an exhibition of works both beautifully made and “weighty” in thought.

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Candice Lin

CLAREMONT, CALIFORNIA Pitzer College Art Galleries Candice Lin’s work involves equal measures of dark poetry, speculation, fiction, DIY science, futurism, queerness, and art history. Its concentrated physical materiality is rendered even denser by layers of association and reference.

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