Milwaukee “Homeward bound at last, north from Milwaukee on Christmas eve. The red towered station looks very German. But the stern, tattered, tall twilight is American; little by little it will change the German faces; and all that in the near future we can hope for, or fear, is resemblance.”
Saint Claire Cemin
Washington DC Baumgartner Gallery ln Saint Claire Cemin’s recent show at Baumgartner, surfaces sparkle and forms shift. The artist is seen once again, a master delighting in his material and arousing that same curiosity in the viewer This time, the focus is marble, a material that carries the heritage of the classical tradition, the ongoing
Elizabeth Hall
The Art Museum, Florida International University Miami Some artists are so subtle in their approach to the viewer that they may make contact with only a very small number of the people who see their work, satisfied that this “special” group understands their meaning, Others bombard the viewer with the message they want to communicate,
Monika Weiss
Ten Years of Site-Specific Art
Ten years of evolution in site-specific art can be neatly bracketed by the “Skulptur Projekte” exhibitions held in Münster in 1987 and 1997….see the full review in March’s magazine.
Claudio Parmiggiani
Turin, Italy Promotrice delle Belle Arti For this exhibition, curators Gianni Vattimo and Valentina Castellani selected 40 works from private European collections… for the full review see the print version of March 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Janice Kluge
Huntsville, AL The Huntsville Museum of Art When one of Janice Kluge’s sculptures features a recognizable figural or architectural element, it may range in scale from approximately one twentieth to one quarter of the actual size of what it represents… for the full review see the print version of March 1999’s Sculpture magazine.
Janine Antoni
New York Whitney Museum of American Art Janine Antoni’s sculptures and performances have always been labor intensive… for the full review see the print version of March 1999’s Sculpture magazine.