Robert Arneson

Lincoln, MA DeCordova Museum and Sculpture park Robert Arneson, Chemo I, Bronze, 47 x 21 x 19 in. Robert Arneson confronts the Sculpture June 2000 public at the DeCordova Museum the way he confronted everything: he stands, in polychromed bronze at the end of a corridor, arms folded, jean jacket open over chest and navel.

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Bradley McCallum

New York Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Elie Wiesel and others have noted the growing significance of testimony in contemporary life. ln a mediated environment of information that seems sensational or inconsequential, the testimony of an eyewitness offers something explicit and reliable.

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Patrick Collier

Grand Rapids, MI Dynamite Gallery Project Patrick Collier, installation, view of Co-Winky-Dink, 1999. Mixed media, dimensions variable. ln the tiny storefront of the Dynamite Gallery Project, Chicago artist Patrick Collier has created a theatrical space where matter and mind merge, theory blurs into tangible experience, and the mythical narratives of life, love, and belief are

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