Atlanta Connell Gallery “Constructions on and Off the Wall,” an exhibition of John Garrett’s recent works, is diverse, playful, and thought-provoking… see the full review in the print version of April 2001’s magazine issue.
“Unique Seats”
Duxbury, MA The Arts Complex Museum The continuing vigor of environmental art in the Boston area, a robust venue for temporary outdoor installations… see the full review in April 2001’s print magazine issue.
“Environmentally Concerned 2”
Bronx, NY Bronx River Art Center Henri LeFebvre’s notion of environment as “a site of political and social power” is posited by the curator of… see the full review in the print version of April 2001’s issue of Sculpture magazine.
Jorge Pardo
New York Dia Foundation For the Dia Foundation’s first major renovation since it moved into its West 22nd Street facility in 1987… see the print version of April 2001’s magazine issue for the full review.
Don Porcaro
New York Kouros Gallery Don Porcaro s sculptures are metaphors for the interactions between present and past civilizations… see the print version of April 2001’s magazine issue for the full review.
Susanna Harwood Rubin
New York De Chiara/Stewart “Place-Names,” Susanna Harwood Rubin’s recent exhibition, celebrated Marcel Proust, his writings, and related sites that the artist visited during her trips to France… see the print version of April 2001’s magazine issue for the full review.
“Urban Identity/Personal Architecture”
Utica, NY Sculpture Space Inc. Sculpture Space, lnc., the artists’ residency program in Utica, New York, celebrated its 25th anniversary with the exhibition… see the full review in April 2001’s magazine issue.
Thomas Ostenberg
Memphis, TN