New York Ron Mueck’s two sculptures fashioned…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Devorah Sperber
New York Sperber takes small modules or…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Tetsuya Yamada
New York Minimalism in clay sounds like an…see the full review in December’s magazine.
John Cross
Hudson, NY From a material viewpoint, the…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Stephen Antonakos and Colleagues
Waltham, MA “Please send me something in a”…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Baltimore, MD ln tandem with a revived interest…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Reconstructing History:A Conversation with Julian LaVerdiere
A self-described inventor/historian, Julian LaVerdiere explores the rich and protean territory where history, science, and commerce commingle with art. The son of sculptor Bruno LaVerdiere, he studied with Hans Haacke at Cooper Union (BFA in sculpture) and later with Ronald Jones at Yale (MFA in sculpture).
Tim Hawkinson
Washington, DC As the human genome is decoded…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Niki de Saint Phalle
West Hollywood World renowned for her immense…see the full review in December’s magazine.