Boston, MA “Inner Body Landscapes,” the first…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Oronsko, Poland Installed at the majestic…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Donald Locke
ln “From the Altars of El Dorado”…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Dispatch: “Sculpture at Evergreen”
Evergreen—the word alone conjures…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Virginia Maksymowicz
New York, NY Virginia Maksymowicz’s installation…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Seattle, WA Alchemy or science? That’s the…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Bringing Art to the People: A Conversation with Mary Jane Jacob
In Jacob’s projects, art goes public and encounters diverse audience interaction….see the full review in March’s magazine
Yannis Ziogas
Middletown, CT ln Yannis Ziogas’s “Ballads,” toy-like…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Yoko Inoue
New York, NY Yoko lnoue’s installation, mindmine…see the full review in March’s magazine.
The Next Chapter: Building the SculptureCenter
A landmark sculpture organization moves into its new landmark building….see the full review in March’s magazine