Kenneth Snelson
New York ln this age of pluralism…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Dispatch: Istanbul
Kaija Kiuru, Kammio (Chamber), 2002. Lace tablecloths, 2m x 2.6 m x 2.6 m. At the time of the Istanbul Biennial, at least 15 other exhibitions appeared in venues ranging from a shopping mall to a 19th-century tram tunnel.
A Conversation with Bernar Venet, A Renaissance Artist of the Third Millennium
For Bernar Venet, being an artist means not only to paint or to make sculptures, but also to speculate—in art, science, philosophy, mathematics, geometry, and music. He is an internationally recognized painter, sculptor, and composer (of concrete music), and his main interest in art is to raise questions, to push his work further and farther,
Stephan Balkenhol
New York The most striking thing about the…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Kevin Cole
Seattle This small survey of recent work by…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Birgitta Weimer
Royal Oak, MI Art, according to Niklas Luhmann, is a…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Joseph Wheelwright
Lincoln, Massachusetts The DeCordova 2003 Annual Exhibition, DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park Joseph Wheelwright, Rockababy Moon, 2003. Granite, 49 x 80 x 51 in. Photo: Mark Wilson. For Joseph Wheelwright, stones speak. They have personalities. They have names.
Max Beckman
New York Max Beckmann’s sculptures, as well…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Ruth Hardinger
New York Ruth Hardinger’s “Relentless Unfolding: New Plasters”…see the full review in April’s magazine.