Berlin Biennials are platforms that engage the…see the full review in June’s magazine.
“Inside/Outside/On the Wall”
Riverdale, New York Hebrew Home for the Aged Joel Perlman, High Circle, 1997. Steel, 120 x 60 x 48 in. The Hebrew Home for the Aged at Riverdale occupies a beautiful site in the northwest corner of the Bronx, where it sits overlooking the Hudson River.
FIAC and “American Artists in Paris”
Paris and Giverny The Foire Internationale d’Art Contemporain…see the full review in June’s magazine.
Types of Insurance that Sculptors Regularly Need to Obtain for their Studios, Employees, and Exhibitions
Just when it seemed that things couldn’t get any worse: the worst happened to Charles Ginnever. In the spring of 2003, the sculptor, who divides his time between Vermont and California, was given two months to leave the house and studio he had been renting for 13 years in the West Coast town of Petaluma:
Mary Jo Bole’s Memento Mori
One of the first things you notice when you see Mary Jo Bole’s work is just how much there is to look at. In any project, say My First Dutch Lesson: Rust/Rest (1997–99) or Granny’s Necklace (1999–2000), there may be intricate surfaces and sculptural forms, tiny mosaic tiles and cast bronze plaques, images to decipher,
Marion Wilson
New York For the past five years…see the full review in June’s magazine.
“With the Vessel in Mind”
Washington, DC “With the Vessel in Mind,” an exhibition…see the full review in June’s magazine.
Made Wianta
Jimbaran, Bali From a critical perspective, there…see the full review in June’s magazine.