Tokyo After a 50-year career, which has…see the full review in September’s magazine.
Digital Sculpture: Ars Ex Machina
In the mid-19th century, Oliver Wendell Holmes hailed the photographic, dual-image “stereograph,” a term he coined, as mankind’s greatest achievement because its three-dimensional illusion allowed “form henceforth divorced from matter.”1 Since that time, form has repeatedly asserted its independence from matter in myriad photographic and cinematic inventions.
The Manifestation of Awareness: Buddhism and Contemporary Sculpture
Continuing into 2005, art institutions on the East and West Coasts and in between are offering exhibitions, performances, readings, and panel discussions that explore the relationship between Buddhism and art in the United States….see the full feature in September’s magazine.
Sarah Stout
Washington, DC Sarah Stout’s exhibition of stone…see the full review in September’s magazine.
Manfred Muller: The Labyrinth of Memory
Manfred Muller, Palacio de Memoria LCI [Lower Color Intention], 2003. Red primed paper with oil pastel and linseed oil on mat board, 37.5 x 16 in. From Matteo Ricci’s 15th-century tale Palace of Memory to Italo Calvino’s 20th-century Invisible Cities and Hans Magnus Enzensberger’s recent Civil Wars, European writers have continuously explored memory as an artistic
Beacon, New York: A Sculpture Destination
The small Hudson River city of Beacon, New York, has become an exciting destination for sculptors and sculpture enthusiasts….see the full feature in July/August’s magazine.
Richard Nonas
New York “Details From The Excavation of Harrison Street”…see the full review in July/August’s magazine.
“Defying Gravity”
Durham, North Carolina “Defying Gravity” gathered 91 international…see the full review in July/August’s magazine.