Art is primarily a visual medium, yet most artists take the experience of sight for granted. Devorah Sperber does not. The New York-based artist probes the optical, social, and historical reasons for why we see what we see.
9th International Istanbul Biennial
Istanbul lstanbuI is a sprawling site of searing contrast and striking change….see the full review in April’s magazine.
Paul Donald
Sydney, Australia Emerging Australia-based New Zealand sculptor Paul Donald works playfully in a zone where several…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Ceal Floyer
Vancouver, Canada My initiaI first-hand introduction to CeaI Floyer’s work was in June 1998,…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Jeanette Betancourt
San Juan, Puerto Rico For her recent show, Jeanette Betancourt cautioned visilors, via walI text, not to read anything into her works …see the full review in April’s magazine.
Robert Smithson
New York Many seasoned New Yorkers praised Robert Smithson’s Floating lsland to Travel around Manhattan Island as …see the full review in April’s magazine.
Kuma and Made Wianta
New York Curated by the critic Robert C. Morgan, this show featuring Japanese sculptor Kuma and Balinese artist Made Wianta oflered a fascinating look into …see the full review in April’s magazine.
Gloria Kisch
New York The leveI of craftsmanship on display in this exhibition belied the fact that Gloria Kisch began to work exclusively with staintess steeI as recently as 2000. …see the full review in April’s magazine.