Gender, space, and forensic biography are the three themes that British-born, Australian artist Deej Fabyc has crisscrossed and crafted together in her performative installations over her 15-year career. She aims to interrogate the viewer with a range of work that is often demanding, aggressively thought-provoking, and sometimes shocking in its raw content.
Andrea Zittel
New York Andrea Zittel’s two recent museum shows explored…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Michael Steiner
New York Michael Steiner’s beautifully crafted sculptures consist…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Andrea Loefke
New York German-born, Brooklyn-based Andrea Loefke’s…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Milan Klic
New York Milan Klic continued to explore the handmade…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Cornelia Kubler Kavanagh
New York One of the most exhilarating art…see the full review in December’s magazine.
Simen Johan
New York Of particuLar impact at Simen Johan’s recent…see the full review in December’s magazine.
El Museo’s Bienal
New York “El Museo’s Bienal: The [S] Files”…see the full review in December’s magazine.