Thomas Schütte: Model Figures

Model for a Hotel, recently installed in London’s Trafalgar Square, and a major exhibition at the Henry Moore Institute in Leeds have generated significant interest in Thomas Schütte, one of Germany’s pre-eminent artists. Meeting him after the official launch of Model for a Hotel, I found him exhausted by his four-year commitment to the project, clearly finding

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The Machines Have Not Taken Over: A Conversation with Richard Dupont

Richard Dupont’s sculptures are essentially warped-out, three-dimensional photocopies of himself. These eerie, distorted, hi-tech self-portraits seem stretched by the time/space continuum to varying degrees, from barely recognizable blurs to attenuated or distended humanoid oddities. As viewers, we physically enter that same disconcertingly surreal realm, like a cinematic fantasy of traveling through a worm hole.

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