Salt Lake City Late in his creative life, 20th-century artist…see the full review in October’s magazine.
Annette Messager
Paris Annette Messager’s retrospective, “Le Messagers,” took over…see the full review in October’s magazine.
Teraneh Hemami
San Francisco Taraneh Hemami’s installation Most Wanted initially…see the full review in October‘s magazine.
Dani Karavan: New Work in France, Germany, and Japan
Although the character of Dani Karavan’s site-specific outdoor interventions varies greatly, his basic vocabulary of geometric forms and innovative use of nature—light, wind, water, and sun—has remained unchanged since Negev Monument (1968), an early, seminal work in Israel.
Delanie Jenkins
Pittsburgh Delanie Jenkins is known for installations that…see the full review in October’s magazine.
Jane Rosen
New York Jane Rosen combines figurative and abstract…see the full review in October’s magazine.
2008 Outstanding Student Achievement In Contemporary Sculpture
Justin Colt BeckmanBernadette BirzerDaniel A. BruceSamantha DoanPeter GoffJorda GriskaDennis HarperBenjamin HuntMyeongbeom KimChika MatsudaKimberly WalkerShai Zurim The International Sculpture Center is proud to present the winners of the 2008 Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award.
William Pope.L
Santa Monica, California “Art After White People: Time, Trees, &”…see the full review in October‘s magazine.
Dennis Oppenheim: Public Action
Dennis Oppenheim’s iconoclastic inventions and interventions of the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s would seem to be unlikely platforms for launching bureaucracy-laden public art commissions. By shaping remote landscapes, marking his own body, and making quasi-objects that galleries and museums found a challenge to exhibit, Oppenheim undermined every convention of the art world, let alone those
Follow Your Obsessions: A Conversation with Ron Pederson
“I’ve been making sculpture for 35 years and I still don’t know what I’m doing.” So confides Ron Pederson, who nevertheless has shaped a productive, influential career, working in a variety of materials while impacting hundreds, maybe thousands of students.