While the work of American Minimalist masters such as Sol LeWitt, Carl Andre, and Donald Judd has begun to seem slightly dated, it has not lost its impetus, and the early- and middle-period sculptures of these artists continue to challenge us. Beginning where the Minimalists ended, Joel Shapiro reintroduced psychology into sculpture with his stick-figure works; Gordon Matta-Clark cut up buildings, inside and out, and carved remarkable ephemeral spaces; and Robert Grosvenor worked with beams split under intense pressure. These Post-Minimalist artists were explorers rather than monumentalists, and they received the attention due them. However, many others working in the Post-Minimalist milieu-like the South African-born, Israeli-educated, New York area-based sculptor Michael Gitlin have often been left by the wayside. Sculpture …see the entire article in the print version of April’s Sculpture magazine.