Konstantin Dimopoulos refers to his sculpture as dynamic rather than kinetic: for him, the term “kinetic” implies a mechanism with moving parts—and “mechanical devices always break down.” Since 1998 he has been exploring movement with his sculpture and has devised an ingenious way of harnessing wind power in works that flex and bend, vibrate and sway—without a single mechanized part.
His early ventures employed flexible steel rods, which had the disappointing tendency to stay bent. This problem led him to search for a material capable of movement that could also return to its original shape. Dimopoulos’s solution was to use slim rods of polyurethane resin reinforced with glass fibers, which are strong, durable, and beautifully supple. Grouped together by the hundreds in clusters of colorful strands, they quiver in a slight breeze and sway vigorously in a stiff wind.