Jill Bonovitz, an artist with an intensely personal aesthetic sensibility, is known for her idiosyncratic ceramic sculptures. The matte opacity and restrained color of her glaze gives each object a visual weight and substance, despite its small scale. In addition to these clay pieces, for the past 15 years, Bonovitz has been using thin metal wire to make a series of intimate and nuanced works. Bending and twisting elements, she creates line drawings and invests them with form. In contrast to her ceramics, these works appear to elude gravity. The lines suggest movement as wires intersect and randomly catch the light. These lyrical and rhythmic sculptures appear structurally precarious. They are fabricated in a manner that seems more haphazard than skilled. Yet Bonovitz is an exceptionally informed artist, who always creates work with the most focused intent. With her wire pieces, she offers forms both delicate and subtle that occupy a domain of fragility, exposure, and vulnerability…see the entire article in the print version of January/February’s Sculpture magazine.