Muncie, Indiana
David Owsley Museum of Art, Ball State University
The three artists featured in this show come from different places – Jongil Ma from Korea (now living in New York), Christopher Smith from the U.S., and Corban Walker from Ireland – but they all share an interest in glass and Plexiglas. Curator Lisa Banner, a professor at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, exploited this commonality in two ways: first, as a means to remember the university’s ties to the Ball family glassmanufacturing business and, second, as a tool to explore subtle changes in material, as well as shifts in vision and viewpoint. Ma constructs painting-like panels from wooden strips or inkjet prints covered with Plexiglas; Smith works with videos projected onto Plexiglas; and Walker stacks sheets of glass and Plexiglas to establish hard-edged geometric forms.…see the entire review in the print version of sept’s Sculpture magazine.