We’re living through a storm of disruption, time moving so quickly we can hardly catch up before the universe moves on to the next thing. Changing weather patterns, from droughts to floods, add to the chaos. Planes and trains, formerly places to seek refuge, corners in which to read quietly, are now sonic cacophony—even in the quiet car. We invent apps to keep us from being distracted as our phones buzz and beep with updates and notifications. “The Internet is changing the structure of our brains and the structure of the planet in unpredictable ways,” according to Douglas Coupland, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, and Shumon Basar, authors of The Age of Earthquakes: A Guide to the Extreme Present. As Pico Iyer notes, solitude is the new luxury. How do sculptors view this chaos? Artists from all three national chapters of the International Sculpture Center—Chicago Sculpture International (CSI), Pacific Rim Sculptors (PRS), and Texas Sculpture Group (TSG)—were invited to respond to the theme of “Disruption,” and their works were recently shown in an eponymously titled exhibition at Grounds For Sculpture (GFS) in Hamilton, New Jersey …see the entire article in the print version of May’s Sculpture magazine.