The gallery scene in New York, like the large metropolitan entity itself, consists of many diverse neighborhoods, each with its own constituents and concerns. Competitive but not cohesive, the New York art world remains a relatively small, even hermetic community with a common goal of showing and selling art of every type. Even as the galleries have grown in number and expanded their rosters to include more women artists, artists of color, and increasingly, artists from Africa and the Middle East, they remain vulnerable to shifting taste, economic fluctuation, and especially real estate development. Perhaps the New York gallery scene owes its ongoing liveliness to the synergy gained by being part of a broader cultural dynamic that includes world-class museums and auction houses, incredible collections and collectors, and an active host of public art organizations sponsoring free exhibitions in parks and other spaces from Manhattan to the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island…see the entire article in the print version of December’s Sculpture magazine.