“ Imminence,” a joint exhibition of work by Ana England and Steven Finke, dealt with those certainties we spend much of our lives hoping are not imminent. The resulting work contemplated the beauty inherent in the cycle of life and death. England and Finke, who are husband and wife, collaborated on the entry piece to the show. Bier with Shroud stood 13 feet high in the stairwell leading to the lower-level galleries, where their individual shows appeared. Supported by four handsomely curved metal legs, an airy suggestion of a casket was covered by a drapery made from the hair of England and her sisters. Only something as insubstantial as a swallow could be carried to its grave in this elegant equipage, but its symbolism is rich. Finke, whose work occupied the west gallery, is an artist who understands curves and uses them to advantage. In Ocular Sclera, hung from the ceiling at eye level, one not only saw the handsome metal disk but looked through its open center at the surprising sight of a partial skeleton of a leaping dog mounted in its own slim metal circle. Looking the other way through Ocular Sclera revealed Bier…see the entire review in the print version of May’s Sculpture magazine.