NEW YORK Eykyn Maclean Sculpting was never just a matter of formalism for Archipenko, but a metaphysical exercise in harnessing the creative impulse and injecting that spirit into art.
David Wojnarowicz
NEW YORK Whitney Museum of American Art Assuming familiarity with Wojnarowicz’s oeuvre, his obsession with his dreams, and his deep involvement with AIDS activism, “History Keeps Me Awake at Night” prompts two related questions: First, how does someone dream when they cannot sleep? And second, what are dreams to a person who, like Wojnarowicz, a victim of AIDS, knowingly has no future?
Jim Sanborn
WASHINGTON, DC American University Museum at the Katzen Arts Center Best known for his challenging, coded bronze work in the courtyard of the CIA, Jim Sanborn still relishes secrets. His recent exhibition, “Without Provenance: The Making of Contemporary Antiquity,” presented a new puzzle: Why fill the museum’s third floor with an “auction preview” of stone works from “ancient Khmer?”
Fujiko Nakaya
BOSTON Emerald Necklace Parks Fog x FLO, Fujiko Nakaya’s first installation in Boston, was commissioned by the Emerald Necklace Conservancy to honor its 20th anniversary and to celebrate the ring of public parks created by Frederick Law Olmsted and dedicated in 1891.
Heidi Bucher
LONDON Parasol unit foundation for contemporary art Is memory embedded in place? Can a room hold vestiges of trauma? Heidi Bucher’s eerily beautiful latex casts of doors, window casings, and rooms pose such questions.
FRONT International
CLEVELAND, OHIO Cleveland Triennial for Contemporary Art Native Clevelanders, like myself, are used to national derision, enduring myriad “mistake on the lake” jokes. So, it was clearly evident to us that FRONT founder Fred Bidwell and artistic director Michelle Grabner intended to turn those Rust Belt assumptions around.
Sculpture by the Sea
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA Bondi Beach Sculpture by the Sea’s 22nd edition featured 107 sculptures by Australian and international artists that merged almost organically with the prehistoric sandstone rock formations along the stretch of beach, with the grand blues of the sky and the sea as backdrops.
Cecilia Vicuña
BERKELEY AND BROOKLYN Berkeley Art Museum, Pacific Film Archives, and Brooklyn Museum The turbulent history of South America—from the advanced civilizations of the pre-colonial era up to the ravaged present—lies at the heart of Cecilia Vicuña’s work.
ROTTERDAM Museum Boijmans van Beuningen According to Gelatin member Wolfgang Gantner, “The question isn’t why poop, but why not poop?” A video discussion accompanying the group’s recent show of monumental turd sculptures further clarifies the choice of subject matter with references to “democratic art” and how we all create it, starting at the earliest age.
Indian Ceramics Triennale
JAIPUR Jawaharlal Kala Kendra Set in the gloriously restored Jawaharlal Kala Kendra (JKK) arts center in Jaipur, the first Indian Ceramics Triennale (ICT) kicked off