Washington, D.C. Baumgartner Galleries, lnc. For this sculpture and installation exhibition, Baumgartner Galleries and critic Chris Gilbert focused on three relative newcomers… see the print version for the full review.
Betye Saar
Los Angeles California African-American Museum Betye Saars new works, rendered in pitch-perfect color harmonies that recall the quiet splendor of a Death Valley sunset… see the print version for the full review.
Tom Butter
New York Curt Marcus Gallery Tom Butter is attracted to simple, everyday things… see the print version to read the full review.
Jene Highstein
New York Stark Gallery Jene Highstein is not a Minimalist, though the simplicity of his work suggests that movement. Since his early pipe installations in the alternative space 112 Greene Street, he has worked in various materials including plaster, concrete, wood, stone, and cast metals.
Larry Bell
Los Angeles Kivo Hiqashi Gallery In a recent exhibition by the seminal Light and Space artist Larry Bell, two similar room-sized glass wall installation works were featured along with a maquette and several monoprint collages. Bell began setting large glass sheets into geometric configurations in the late 1960s, segueing from pedestal sculptures to largescale installations.
Hidetoschi Nagasawa
Rome Appia Antica Rome’s Appian Way (leading to the southeast to the coast)—once called Regina Viarum and today Appia Antica—was built in the 3rd century B.C. following the Roman conquest of the south and the opening towards Greece and the East.
“Angel, Angel”
Prague Galerie Rudolfinum The metaphor of the angel forms the central theme of the exhibition “Angel, Angel: Legends of the Present.” Despite the fact that this notion traditionally evokes a connection with an other-worldly and timeless sphere of being, the concept of this exhibition relates to wholly specific and “earthly” experience which modern-day society sees
Chris Booth
Queensland, Australia Evandale Sculpture Walk, Gold Coast City Art Gallery After four months on site, New Zealand sculptor Chris Booth has completed a major installation in Australia. Situated on a sandy promontory of land which projects into the broad Nerang River and placed in the midst of a grove of mangroves and mature eucalyptus trees,
Suzanne Harris
New York Lance Fung Gallery When Suzanne Harris died in 1979 she was only 39 years old. At the time she was only known to a small group of friends and supporters, and had only just begun to have shows with galleries both in the United States and abroad.
“Six Interpretations in Clay: Handmade in Taiwan”
New York Taipei Gallery Margaret Shiu Tan, Marvin Minto Fang, Frances TJ. Shao, and ChenChou Liou contributed installations to the recent exhibition “Six interpretations of Clay: Handmade in Taiwan.” Tan’s Life is But aGame (so what’s the next move?)