New York Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Elie Wiesel and others have noted the growing significance of testimony in contemporary life. ln a mediated environment of information that seems sensational or inconsequential, the testimony of an eyewitness offers something explicit and reliable.
Carlos Mollura
Heo Jeong-Hee
Robert Therrien
Los Angeles
Leslie Bohnenkamp
New York
Patrick Collier
Grand Rapids, MI Dynamite Gallery Project Patrick Collier, installation, view of Co-Winky-Dink, 1999. Mixed media, dimensions variable. ln the tiny storefront of the Dynamite Gallery Project, Chicago artist Patrick Collier has created a theatrical space where matter and mind merge, theory blurs into tangible experience, and the mythical narratives of life, love, and belief are
Richard Notkin
Billings, MT
“Against Design”
Grisha Bruskin
New York Marlborough Gallery Grisha Bruskin, Woman with Lenin’s Mausoleum, 1999. Porcelain, 8 in. high. Staring straight ahead with blank, unseeing eyes, Grisha Bruskin’s perfect figures are identifiable only by the objects they carry. Like a blank slate waiting to be written on, they stand motionless, soulless, and powerless awaiting orders: gray, robotic, expressionless people