New York Marianne Boesky Gallery When Vladimir Tatlin first suspended ordinary objects across the corners of his studio he may not have imagined that some 85 years later… see the print version of April 2001’s magazine issue for the full review.
“Urban Identity/Personal Architecture”
Utica, NY Sculpture Space Inc. Sculpture Space, lnc., the artists’ residency program in Utica, New York, celebrated its 25th anniversary with the exhibition… see the full review in April 2001’s magazine issue.
Thomas Ostenberg
Memphis, TN
Jean-Pierre Gauthier
“Picasso sculpteur”
Christian Boltanski
Dispatch: San Antonio
Within the past five years, San Antonio, Texas, has put itself on the map of contemporary art in a way that few other U.S. cities can match… for the full review see the print edition of April 2001’s Sculpture magazine.
Anish Kapoor
London Lisson Gallery For Anish Kapoor who has said, “l think I am a painter who is a sculptor,” colors symbology is infinite… for the full review see the print edition of March 2001’s Sculpture magazine.
Robin Bernat
Atlanta Solomon Projects What if your living room floor dissolved into moss and your walls faded to a folding paper screen?… for the full review see the print edition of March 2001’s Sculpture magazine.