Minneapolis The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, The Minnesota Artists Exhibition Gallery For those inclined to dicker about whether or not a gallery installation is sculpture, Bill Klaila’s Grotto: An Alternative Reality would be a source for energetic discussion.
Absolut L.A. International Biennial Art Invitational 2003
Los Angeles Inaugurated in 1993 to foster rapport between Los Angeles and the international art world, the L.A. International Biennial recently celebrated its sixth season. The exhibits profiled over 200 artists from North and South America, Australia, Asia, Africa, and Europe, and nearly a quarter showcased sculptures or installations.
Dispatch: “Perfection/Impermanence: Contemporary Ikebana”
The Western concept of “art” has long…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Rebecca Welz
New York June Kelly The luminous constructions of Rebecca Welz appear to have been made both by nature and by hand. Composed of folded sheets of Plexiglas, the sculptures translucently glow as light passes through them.
“Architectures of Gender”
New York Curated by Aneta Szylak, “Architectures”…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Jorge Oteiza
New York Considered by many to be one of…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Nancy Floyd
Atlanta “Can you imagine the time it must’ve”…see the full review in March’s magazine.
Newton Harrison and Helen Mayer Harrison
New York As artists who work with real-world…see the full review in March’s magazine.
William Pope.L
Portland, OR At the Portland Institute of Contemporary…see the full review in January/February’s magazine.