Portland, OR M.J. Anderson’s marble sculptures of…see the full review in May’s magazine.
The Pittsburgh Biennial
Pittsburgh Center for the Arts Beatriz da Costa, Jamie Shulte and Brooke Singer, Swipe, 2003. Mixed media, installation view. The latest Pittsburgh Biennial just scraped by the economic cutbacks in the arts, even if its presentation was delayed by nearly a year.
Sculptfest ’03
West Rutland, VT Though it is now available to artists…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Pepon Osorio Ronald
New York Feldman Fine Arts Pepon Osorio’s recent installations Face to Face and My Beating Heart use mimesis and allegory to examine not only how a family was separated by a federal agency, but also how some needs are never attended to because of the bureaucratic restrictions of an eight-hour workday.
Kenneth Snelson
New York ln this age of pluralism…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Stephan Balkenhol
New York The most striking thing about the…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Kevin Cole
Seattle This small survey of recent work by…see the full review in May’s magazine.
Birgitta Weimer
Royal Oak, MI Art, according to Niklas Luhmann, is a…see the full review in April’s magazine.
Joseph Wheelwright
Lincoln, Massachusetts The DeCordova 2003 Annual Exhibition, DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park Joseph Wheelwright, Rockababy Moon, 2003. Granite, 49 x 80 x 51 in. Photo: Mark Wilson. For Joseph Wheelwright, stones speak. They have personalities. They have names.
Max Beckman
New York Max Beckmann’s sculptures, as well…see the full review in April’s magazine.