North Adams, Massachusetts MASS MoCA With the ascension of high speed internet the low-rent cultural outskirts – where hermetic, criminal, religious, sexual, paranormal, utopian & eidolon once came together – a region heretofore known principally to initiates and ‘fanboys’ – are now (due to info-geek triumph) high traffic real estate.
Creighton Michael
Beacon, New York Creighton Michael’s aptly named…see the full review in September’s magazine.
Thomas Schütte
New York A student of Postmodernist painter…see the full review in September’s magazine.
Brant Schuller
Lancaster, Pennsylvania Brant Schuller is an artist who…see the full review in September’s magazine.
Christopher Wilmarth
New York Christopher Wilmarth said, in…see the full review in September’s magazine.
“Texas Uprising: Indoor and Outdoor Sculpture”
San Antonio Blue Star Contemporary Art Center “Texas Uprising,” which focused exclusively on the state of contemporary sculpture in Texas, clearly showed just how diverse contemporary art is here. The exhibition boasted over three dozen artists, most of whom submitted outstanding works.
Peter Barton
Hudson, New York The Hudson River corridor, extending…see the full review in September’s magazine.
Richard Serra
New York Richard Serra could well be the…see the full review in September’s magazine.
Fritz Dietel
Philadelphia Fritz Dietel’s sculptures of the last…see the full review in September’s magazine.
David Opdyke
Brooklyn Once the pastime of hobbyists…see the full review in September’s magazine.