Sopheap Pich: Return to Cambodia

Sopheap Pich, now living and working in Phnom Penh, returned to his native country at the end of 2002, after living and studying in America for close to 20 years. Born in 1971 in Koh Kralaw, a small rice-farming town in northwestern Cambodia, he spent his early childhood moving among towns and villages in his

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Jan-Ru Wan: A Magical Journey

A mile or more of hand-dyed, waxed thread, perhaps an acre of silkscreened, printed, and dyed silk organza and other fabrics, hundreds of bells, rusted razor blades, brain scans on magnetized rubber disks, small round candle mirrors, miniature Buddhas, the Heart Sutra, and a myriad of other symbolic objects mark the artistic journey traveled by

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Material Dreaming: Photography and Sculpture

In 2004, Xing Danwen began an ongoing series of color photographs titled Urban Fiction. Using showroom models of large apartment complexes created by real estate developers in Beijing as her primary subjects, she digitally inserts a few small figures (often including her own) into windows or onto terraces, roofs, or surrounding sidewalks.

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Al Farrow’s Modern-Day Reliquaries

To say that Al Farrow’s work achieves strong visual effect grossly understates the success of his recent “Twentieth Century Reliquaries” series. Consider the most important piece—The Spine and Tooth of Santo Guerro, an enormous sculpture that at first glance appears to replicate the form of a Gothic cathedral.

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Michelangelo Pistoletto: Against Imperatives

Michelangelo Pistoletto’s work has undergone a number of profound transformations over the last 55 years, none more dramatic than those that occurred during a few incendiary years in the mid-1960s. Works from this period provide the core of “Michelangelo Pistoletto: From One to Many, 1956–1974,” which debuted at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and is

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