Hitoshi Nomura: Stretching Mortal Time

Hitoshi Nomura, one of Japan’s most esteemed artists, though he is comparatively unknown in the West, finally received significant attention in the United States with two fall 2015 exhibitions: a one-person show at Fergus McCaffrey Gallery in Chelsea and inclusion in “For a New World to Come: Experiments in Japanese Art and Photography 1968–1979,” curated

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Dorie Millerson: The Matter of Scale

Think of string—of textiles—used in a sculptural way, and chances are you’ll hearken back to Eva Hesse and fiberglass-coated string pieces like Right After (1969) untidily looping down into space from hooks suspended in the ceiling; or what Lucy Lippard termed its “ugly” antecedent, Untitled (1970), an abstract snarl of latex-coated rope and string that

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