Reflecting on Space: A Conversation with Sharon Louden

Sharon Louden is best known for room-size, site-specific installations constructed from thousands of small components. She uses a variety of media, including painting, drawing, sculpture, and animation, aiming to capture movement and light. Within these works, industrial materials (her favorite is aluminum) are transformed into something more closely resembling forms in nature, even the human

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Sarah Meyers Brent: Natural Disasters

Sarah Meyers Brent’s friends tend to donate their used clothes to her, as if she were a branch of Goodwill. Not that she needs these garments to wear; instead, she uses them to construct complex sculptures in which their colors (faded to bright) and textures (smooth or fuzzy) add essential qualities to finished forms that

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Deep Wisdom and Collective Fortitude: A Conversation with Sonya Clark

Unraveling, 2015-ongoing. Detail of interactive performance. Photo: Taylor Dabney. Sonya Clark uses everyday materials to address “identity politics, collective fortitude, and social justice.” Returning repeatedly to the same basic materials, including copper pennies, hair, combs, and sugar, she brings value to quotidian objects through her investigations while asking viewers to consider the embedded histories surrounding

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Françoise Grossen: Total Exposure

In Françoise Grossen’s work, intense physicality and presence are wedded to conceptual underpinnings–what an object is composed of is entirely consequential, meaning and purpose lying in material choices. Her objects, made between 1966 and 1999, are deeply and totally abstract yet also metaphorical.

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