The Sculpture of Winifred Lutz: Perception’s Nature

Correspondence/Congruence (Paradigm), 1995. Wood, fabric, cast stone, and pigment, (central form) 10.5 ft. high x 30 ft. dia. Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati. Winifred Lutz’s installations have established her work internationally in the last dozen years. The recent retrospective of her sculpturesat Moore College of Art and Design’s Levy Gallery in Philadelphia, titled “Place of Nature,

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Richard Tuttle: No Way You Can Frame It

replace the abstract picture plane II, 1997. Cast and welded aluminum, marble, 168 in. high. Guido Baselgia / Collection Kunsthaus Zug All of Richard Tuttle’s work originates in the form of theoretical questions. Is it possible to have an object that is an abstraction yet that can also stand in for some concrete object or

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