Jon Isherwood has been working with stone since the early 1990s, developing a personalized expression with contemporary relevance…see the full feature in January/February’s magazine
Making Visible: On Alison Wilding
The mute radiance of Ambit, Alison Wilding’s first large public sculpture, distills and clarifies the mystery and drama of her work as a whole…see the full feature in January/February’s magazine.
Constructivism: The Penetration of Nature’s Structure
One 20th-century art movement stands out as an example of high-minded artistic ambition and distinctive method and style: Constructivism…see the full feature in January/February’s magazine.
Biomorphs: Organic Abstraction and the Mechanics of Life
The first of a series on the relationship of the life sciences to innovations in sculpture examines the influence of morphology, the science of living form, on abstraction…see the full feature in January/February’s magazine.
The Object as Protagonist: An Interview with Los Carpinteros – Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo, and Dagoberto Rodriguez
Working under the name “Los Carpinteros,” Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo, and Dagoberto Rodriguez are among the most innovative and internationally sought-after Cuban contemporary artists. The group’s elegant and mordantly humorous sculptures, drawings, and installations draw their inspiration from the physical world—particularly that of architecture and furniture.
El Objeto Protagonista: Una Entrevista con Los Carpinteros – Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo y Dagoberto Rodriguez
Trabajando bajo el nombre “Los Carpinteros”, Alexandre Arrechea, Marco Castillo y Dagoberto Rodriguez están entre los artistas contemporáneos cubanos mas inovadores y con mas éxito internacional. Las esculturas e instalaciones elegantes y mordantes del grupo llevan su inspiración del mundo físico – en particular ese de arquitectura y muebles.